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"don't forget me. I love you”

Hello everybody, I am Mihaela and I was born in the eastern part of Romania, however, I have lived in Berlin and London before coming to Innsbruck.
3 min lesen · 05. April 2024

Hello everybody, I am Mihaela and I was born in the eastern part of Romania, however, I have lived in Berlin and London before coming to Innsbruck.


My journey abroad began with following my passion towards theatre, cinema and literature and it started with my studies in London. The same passion brought me to Innsbruck, where I got to experience working in a cultural centre that has shaped and is still shaping the city since its creation: "Die Backerei"


I am grateful to call Innsbruck my home, not only for its picturesque landscapes but also for all the people I have had the pleasure to meet here and for all the people who have become my friends and part of who I am now.  I have started in September last year, I have created beautiful connections and unique memories in the city, not only with the people that I have met here but also with my friends and family that visited and contributed to my journey here in Innsbruck. Although small, the cultural scene is alive and dynamic. I have seen concerts, festivals, dance shows and pieces of theatre that have fascinated and surprised me, although some of them were in German and could not fully understand via speech, I have understood with my heart.


Junge Frau steht auf dem Balkon eines Theaters


The support I have received from all parties involved was immense, and I hope that by doing my work well, I can contribute in return to sustaining the effort which goes towards the same goal and set of values. Living in this city made me cherish the present much more and appreciate the beauty of living, a different type of life. Spending time in nature, going for a walk with a friend, and biking to my workplace are the simple pleasures I cling on when the uncertainty of the future prevails.


Currently, I am working on a theatre piece called 'Prosopopeia' written and for the first time directed by me. I am honored to present my work here and forever grateful to Die Backerei for offering me their platform for doing so. I see my play almost as an end product of my stay here. This is my proof that I have lived here, a product of my experiences, a part of me on paper and on stage. Or to use a line from my play, to express all the emotions I have so far towards this place and time: "don't forget me. I love you".


Mihaela, 27.3.2024

Das Freiwilligenprojekt wird vom InfoEck Tirol koordiniert! Mehr Beispielprojekte findet ihr hier.


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